Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Welcome Everybody! - Introduction

Hi everyone,

  • Want to experience a unique vacation in Hong Kong?

  • Sick of joining those monotonous tours without special features?

  • Or just want to know more about Hong Kong - an international city in Asia?

First of all, welcome to my blog! I'm a 100% 'Hong Kongnese' that I was born and grew up in Hong Kong, and I'm still in love with this city. Not only do I like to go around trying new things in Hong Kong, I also travel a bit, Canada, US, Thailand, Germany, Austria etc...

I always believe that travelling to a new place is all about experiencing something different, something with local characteristics, instead of visiting a few tourist spots with a crowd of foreigners every day- and that's the end of the trip. Nothing special eh???

Can such kind of tour really make your trip a memorable one??!
Well, okay I know it depends on individual interests.

But if you are someone who has so much energy and wants to explore a foreign place by yourself (or with family/friends) without any time/transportation constraints, I suggest you plan your own trip, customize your own trip, and make it a unique experience!

Okay let me first help you get rid of your worries.

"Oh I speak only English!!"

This is not a problem at all.

Hong Kong was actually a British colony, and though it now belongs to China, it is still independent to some extents and British culture can always be found in this international city. Just want to let everyone know English is one of the official languages in Hong Kong, and a great proportion of people in Hong Kong can speak enough English.

So, DON'T EVER worry about having difficulties asking for directions, ordering food etc. Street names, station names, food menus, directories, most of them are in both Chinese and English.

Most importantly, Hong Kong has one of the busiest tourism businesses in the world, most of the people involved in tourism/tertiary industries are certainly trained in spoken English. Still worrying about language problem? I don't think so.

"I'm not joining a tour enjoying safe bus trips, will it be difficult and time consuming for me to travel around?!?!?!"

Well, you have to know Hong Kong is a small piece of land of slightly more than 1,000 sq. km. With its incredibly large population - 7 millions of people, there are definitely all kinds of public transports that you possibly need, buses, minibuses, taxis, trams, ferries, MTR(un underground railway), trains, airport express...

Also, the routes/schedule details are clearly indicated in every station, as long as you are able to read and you know where you want to go, you can get to everywhere without any hassle.

Believe me, when you come to Hong Kong, you will be amazed by how convenient it is to get around. What's more, the fares are REALLY cheap.

It's only part of the introduction, coming up will be some information about facts, culture, weather and characteristics of Hong Kong. Then different must-visits and must-eats will be shared.


You are ABSOLUTELY WELCOME to leave comments if you have anything to share or any questions to ask! I will frequently update the blog and reply the comments. Once again, welcome to my blog and thank you for your interest.

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