Friday, December 12, 2008

*Must-visit - Victoria Peak

Victoria Peak is a mountain in Hong Kong. We usually call it The Peak.

The mountain is located in the western half of Hong Kong Island. With an altitude of 552 m (1,810 ft).
It is a major tourist attraction which offers spectacular views over central Hong Kong, Victoria Harbor, and the surrounding islands.

Fed up these pictures? Haha it's just what you can see when you look down from the Peak.
You will be amazed by the spectacular view of the surrounding city skyline, the world-famous Victoria Harbour and Kowloon.

The Peak Galleria and the Peak Tower is a leisure and shopping complex. You can relax at a cafe in the open area, enjoying the stunning view from different angles. There are also souvenir shops where you can enjoy shopping on the top of the mountain!

Standing on the Peak Tower, you will see a more panoramic view of Hong Kong. Remember to take some pictures!

One question: How to get there?

There are several ways: buses, minibues, taxis, on foot(I'm not kidding you, it just takes an hour from Mid-levels, I walk up there most of the time)

And the most popular way for tourists is ..

Peak Tram!

The Peak Tram carries both tourists and residents to the upper levels of Hong Kong Island. Running from Central district to Victoria Peak via the Mid-Levels, the 15-minute ride provides the most direct route and offers good views over the harbour and skyscrapers of Hong Kong.

There's nothing in the world like the Peak Tram. Pulled by steel cables, the tram climbs 373 metres (about 1,200 feet). It's so steep that the buildings you pass look like they're leaning at a 45 degree angle.

And it costs a little bit more than other transports. Still, it is definitely an unforgettable trip. Worth paying right?

There are many nice (but can be pretty expensive) restaurant at the Peak. I tried one of them. (Ask me for the name if you are interested)

Very very nice restaurant.
It's cozy, the food is fantastic. It costs around $250-400 per person for such wonderful dinner, which is not bad. Of course it depends on what you order.

They offer western dishes, including different kinds of appetizers, salads, soups and desserts, as well as steaks, pasta, seafood, mexican food etc.

There are both indoor and outdoor area, if it's not too cold or hot, having dinner at outdoor table would be a more romantic choice.

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